Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SJS Revisted - Feb. 2010

For Austin's SJS history/timeline and FAQ about SJS - go to the Blog Archive on the right side of this page to 2009.

February 9, 2010
- 5 days short of a year (from the start of the last horrible episode)- and let me tell you, it's been on my mind and Austin called me from the clinic - his mouth "felt funny." Bottom lip looked a little swollen, inside of his mouth red with a few white blotches. Called Pediatrician, took him in, did rapid strep (negative) - she put him on steroids just in case. Austin had been sick the week before with flu like symptoms for a day - then was like a cold (coughing). Had taken him in to the dr. just in case that week - had put him on Z pak because it was starting to sound a little like bronchitis.

February 10, 2010
- Took Austin to Dr. Tamburro (dermatologist) for her opinion since pediatrician thought the SJS was returning. Dr Tamburro said, yes, the SJS was back. Put him on a higher dose of steroids, weaning him down over 9 days. Said she had seen another girl from PA with reoccurring SJS - the only thing that seems to keep it in check is giving her Z pak right away at any sign of cold/flu, so it was a lucky coincidence for us that Dr. Ertel (peds) had given him that. May have helped. She said last year she thought the SJS was from a virus and this year seems to confirm it (didn't know what it was 3 years ago, but it also was probably from a virus since I don't remember him being on any meds at the time.

February 11-23, 2010
- Austin was holding steady, although ate a lot (even more than normal) from the steroids. The few white sloughed off spots and the red dots in his mouth held steady - did not get worse, finally today looked better - followed up w/Dr. Tamburro for an appointment today and she is happy with his progress. She did say she is "concerned" for him since any time he gets whatever virus he is getting, it could set the SJS in motion. She said to be vigilant and call our ped. any time he gets sick w/cold/flu like symptoms to put him on Z pak.

I had convinced myself that the SJS was from the ibuprofen last year that he was taking and not a virus since that is something we can control. Thankfully this episode was a non-event in comparison to the episodes last year and 3 years ago. This will be something he/we will have to watch for probably for the rest of his life.

1 comment:

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    - The Sevens-Johnson Syndrome
