Monday, August 6, 2012

Austin Update

August, 2012 and Austin has been good - few flare ups of mouth sores over the last few years, usually in February (cold/virus season). Austin just applied to a few colleges and his application essay was on SJS and how it has affected his life. Main message being that it wasn't a totally bad experience because it has helped shape him into who he is today.

1 comment:

  1. My son has gone through the exact same thing. He has had this 3 times now. The last time he was hospitalized with a feeding tube because he couldn't eat. He had been taking ibuprofen, but each time he had it, he had the flu like symptoms right before. He is still healing from the January outbreak. I am the one to diagnose him, my doctor thought he had herpes and wouldn't listen to me when I tried to tell him it didn't look anything like herpes. My son is a Senior this year and with any luck will go off to college next fall. We have gone the allergy route and have cut out soy, beef and msg and he seems to think it is helping. Of course, the winter is the true test. Good luck to Austin. He is very lucky to have you looking out for him.
